Welcome Mazda Miata Site!

“...if the new Mazda MX-5 Miata were any more talented and tempting, buying one would be illegal.”

By Arthur St. Antoine Car and Driver

Thanks for visiting my site. My car is a 2001 brilliant black Mazda Miata base model with the suspension package. I have made some modifications to it and will definitely do some more. I try to help out other Miata owners by documenting my modification installations; I hope they come as a help to you. I also rate my modifications on a 0-5 scale; the ratings can be found on the products page.

I’ve had my Miata for nearly 9 years and it is still as much fun to drive today as it was the day that I bought it. I am not quite into cars quite as much as I was when I bought it but I still get a smile on my face whenever I find myself on a nice twisty road or it’s a beautiful sunny day and I am just cruising along with the top down.

Over on the left there you will find my product reviews, installation instructions, galleries of Miata related stuff and stories about adventures I’ve gone on with my car. Down below will be my Miata blog of sorts. I kind of doubt that this will get updated much but if I come across something cool or interesting in the Miata world I’ll be sure to share it.

I hope you enjoy my site. If you have any questions of comments please feel free to leave a comment on of the pages, I check on my sites regularly so I should be able to get back to you quickly.


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