Moe’s Home Theater

This section of my site is devoted to my Home Theater. Home Theater is quickly growing hobby and the results that you can achieve even with a modest budget are quite remarkable. With the crowds that you often encounter when you go to the local cinema and the price that you have to pay for the privilege of cell phone talkers and seat kickers it is no surprise that more and more people are building home theater systems, many of which look and sound better than the local megaplex (and the food is better too).

Over there on the left you can check out all my equipment, some galleries, and some helpful guides for those of you new to the hobby. Below you will find my home theater blog of sorts. I will probably use this area for site updates, movie and DVD reviews, possibly some good home theater deals that I run across, and other home theater related news.

I hope you enjoy your stay, please feel free to leave comments or questions on any of my articles.


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